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Our Elroy Fair Board Team
Marie Preuss-President
Mike Bradley-Vice President
Jackie Menn-Secretary
Stephanie Cleaver-Treasurer
Jessica Bashirian
Beth Kolodzinski
Harvey Menn
Shelly Daugs
Nicole Bradley
Hana Benish-Reporter
Andy Wohlrab
Travis Hach
Christine Leis
Kim Wilcox
Celesta Leis
Kelly Green
Get in touch with us by
phone, email or text.
Park, Camping, Pavilion, Barn rental: City of Elroy, 608-462-2400
Advertising and sponsorships: 608-633-2123
Open Class and Junior Fair entries: 608-633-3186 Animal exhibit count (by Monday of fair week): 608-792-3036
Events: 608-633-2123
Tractor Pulls: 608-542-0258
Vendors: 608-415-3155
Outdoor spots available.
Please note the last day to request a vendor contract is June 1.​
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